2018-10-10 2:04 AM
I am using Windows6 64 bit
I use Matlab 2018a togeteher with Simulink, embedded coder and so on.
I have installed STM32-Mat Target 4.4.2
I have followed the instruction in C:/Matlab/STM32-Mat/STM32/Readme.pdf
I have installed StLink and it is working
I have instaled STM32Cubemx
I have installed Systemworkbench
When I try to run the examplein C:\MATLAB\STM32-MAT\STM32\STM32demos\PIL\Filter it end with the following error:
### gcs: 'IIR_Filter_int32
### bdroot: 'IIR_Filter_int32
### Successful completion of Real-Time Workshop build procedure for model: IIR_Filter_int32
### Connectivity configuration for referenced model "IIR_Filter_int32": STM32 PIL ###
'cp' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Component:Simulink | Category:Model error
I can correct this error by adding CYGWIN to my machine since cp is a Unix command but then I get new errors.
My question is if something is missing in the instruction ?
How does Matlab know which compiler to use ? I guess the compiler is the one that came with Systemworkbench. As far as I know I haven't pointed Matlab to any specific compiler.
Is it possible to get expert help from the makers of STM32-MAT
2019-08-20 4:01 AM
Hi @Carl Troili ,
The version 5.1.0 of STM32-MAT/TARGET has just been released at the end of July 2019.
Be aware that a lot of changes were involved in this release (in detail, alignment with STM32CubeMX version 5.1.0 and Matlab 2018b).
While working on this version the followings tests were successful for PIL:
- F429ZITx @ 180 Mhz, USART1: OK
- L476RG @ 80 Mhz, USART2: OK
It is strongly recommended to upgrade to the most recent version of STM32-MAT/TARGET.
As far the toolchain is concerned there are known issues with eclipse-based tools, especially for include paths and build resources that can be defined as excluded.
It is an issue with the project generator that is used.
In the current situation, in the project generated for these types of IDEs, check the include parameters for the paths and verify that the build resource is also enabled.
Sorry for the disturbance.