2011-11-27 6:38 PM
The DFU created from hex file, which was built from example project (sink.rprj and sensor.rprj) doesn't work - after upload the DFU in dfu mode and replug the USB dongle isn't identified by system (I tried on Windows and Linux).
The DFU's included in example works - USB dongle is identified (PID 5740). 1. Why created hex file doesn't work?2. What I can do to create a working hex file?I using Ride7 ver. with Path, RKit-ARM ver., DFU file manager v3.0.0 and DfuSe Demo v3.0.02011-11-27 7:17 PM
One might hazard that the code is not being compiled for the correct address.
Examining the first couple of lines of each hex file might be quite instructive.2011-11-28 4:35 AM
I attached the hex file. Can you look at it?
________________ Attachments : sensor.hex : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HtVj&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000aR4%2Fr7vqJ6.hb4MJ0Xwm0HerMJbTnVmFqow3fMFkzQW1qGc&asPdf=false