2013-12-02 2:38 PM
I am recently working on lwIP. I have a STM3210C eval board. I installed pragram codes.
And I connected my board to modem using Cat5e ethernet cable. LCD is working, I think, that shows program is properly installled. But leds of ethernet connector (yellow and green) don't working. So No internet.Is there any jumper configuration that be done by me ?Is ethernet cable suitable for application ? I mean, Is there any specific cable for this?regards2013-12-02 3:47 PM
I don't have an STM3210C-EVAL so can't speak specifically to that, my STM32F107 board was the
For jumpers, you'll need to review your board documentation. Of the LwIP, you're going to need to check what MAC address is being used, and if you are using DHCP to get an IP address, or fixing one of your own within the same domain as others in your network. For cables you need to consider what you are connecting to what. Typical Ethernet patch cables are straight through, where you connect a PC to a hub/switch. If you were to connect a PC to another PC you would need a cross-over cable, where the TX pair on one end connects to the RX pair on the other, and the reverse for the RX pair. For simplicity one would use the same type of cable that connect the PC to a hub/switch, as one would for an eval board to the same hub/switch.2013-12-03 4:14 AM
''I installed program codes''
Which program codes did you install? What does its documentation say about jumpers, etc?2013-12-03 11:12 AM
sorry Neil
I am working on AN3102 application note.http://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1743/PF257862
my application is that.http://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/user_manual/CD00212441.pdf
This is my board. and I have referance manuel, data sheet ...2013-12-03 12:53 PM
2013-12-03 2:00 PM
''I am working on AN3102 application note''
So section 2.2.4, ''STM3210C-EVAL settings'' tells you all the jumper settings