2016-02-11 8:04 AM
I use STM32f103RCT6 to blinking led in pin A8 with 1 second delay, and i try to use logic analyzer to see whether it's right. However, when i setup in ''Current Logic Analyzer Signal'', i write PA.8 in it and it say ''Unknown Signal''. I was trying write everything ''PORTA.8'',''PortA.8'',''PA8'' but it always say ''Unknown Signal''. What signal' name i should write in it???
2018-01-18 4:46 AM
Please anyone can help us! I read various documentation such as :
Using ST-Link/V2 and MDK 5 with Discovery/Nucleo Boards
but the same problem appears!
Thanks in advance.2018-01-18 8:49 AM
Contact Keil support?
2018-01-18 8:54 AM
Hi Clive,
No, becuse I think i am doing something wrong, but I don't what is it!2018-01-18 1:46 PM
Keil's Logic Analyzer is not a 'hardware' logic analyzer, and do not monitor I/O pins. It is also limited by the debugger and the MCU core you are using.
See below.
From Keil uVision User's Guide: Logic Analyzer
µVision User's Guide: Restrictions
RestrictionsWhen debugging on hardware, the number of items that can be defined in the
is restricted by the microcontroller core (refer to Access Breakpoints inhttp://www.keil.com/ulink/cmp.asp
). Many more different items can be defined in simulation mode.The Logic Analyzer can record changes of:
members.The Logic Analyzer
record changes of:2023-12-15 9:45 AM
I have the same problem and I cannot find any solution for it. If you've found a solution, please let me know.
2023-12-15 2:57 PM
Don't hijack threads - start your own.