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Problem in powering NUCLEO-F429ZI using external 5V supply

Associate II

I am trying to power the NUCLEO-F429ZI board from external 5V supply. I am providing 5V at pin 6 of CN11. Jumper JP1 is off and JP3 is on pins 2 and 1 (E5V). The problem is that CPU does not boot till I press the reset button. Further, If I connect the USB cable to ST-link after turning ON external power, then CPU comes up.

I have checked the NRST line (CN11, Pin 14) and it is high, there is a glitch on it though (check the attached picture). Adding an external reset circuit doesn't help either (R and C in series, time constant around 80ms).

ST-LINK firmware version is V2J37M27.


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