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problem in generating a complementary pwm in stm32 g474ret6 nucleo board

Associate II

As, i am using stm32g474ret6 nucleo board,  i try to generate a complimentary pwm signal with timer 1 (pin PA0 and PC13) it does generate properly it create a curve at the falling edge .now i change a variable and try to generate this wave of 200khz it becomes triangular wave.

But in Timer 8 it generates properly with no error.

Can anybody tell me why this happen only in timer1 ?


ST Employee

Hello @Harsh_18

How are you configuring dead time insertion when using TIM1?

Please share your TIM1 configuration and specify the variable you're changing! 

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I only change the value of arr and ccr and the dead time is fix in each and every case. 

Hello @Harsh_18

Both TIM1 and TIM8 are connected to the APB2 bus, are advanced timers and have very similar functionalities

So, I would suspect the output pinout configuration differences between TIM1 and TIM8, you can check that! 

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