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Pins connection SWD st-link to an external STM32F103RBT6

Associate III


I'm trying to use my ST_linkV2 debugger to program an external STM32 microcontroller using SWD, is this configuration ok ?

: CN4 (STLlink) Vdd----------> Vdd (stm32 MCU)

SWCLK------> PA14 (SWCLK)

GND---------> GND

SWDIO------> PA13 (SWDIO) + 100K pull up resistor) )

Thank you in advance for your response

Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

VDD connection is not needed. Pullup not needed. Otherweise ok. Additional ground connection enhance reliability

Thank you for you quick response, VDD is used to power the external microcontroller during programming mode, i guess

Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

If you use a stand alone STLINk, VDD line is used to report target voltage. Other debugger may use the VDD line to power level translation between target and debugger. Build-in stlinks only report STLink voltage.