2020-05-08 4:09 AM
I'm trying to use my ST_linkV2 debugger to program an external STM32 microcontroller using SWD, is this configuration ok ?
: CN4 (STLlink) Vdd----------> Vdd (stm32 MCU)
SWCLK------> PA14 (SWCLK)
GND---------> GND
SWDIO------> PA13 (SWDIO) + 100K pull up resistor) )
Thank you in advance for your response
2020-05-08 4:20 AM
VDD connection is not needed. Pullup not needed. Otherweise ok. Additional ground connection enhance reliability
2020-05-08 4:41 AM
Thank you for you quick response, VDD is used to power the external microcontroller during programming mode, i guess
2020-05-08 7:05 AM
If you use a stand alone STLINk, VDD line is used to report target voltage. Other debugger may use the VDD line to power level translation between target and debugger. Build-in stlinks only report STLink voltage.