2015-12-13 7:10 PM
Hi. I'm fairly new to the concepts of DMA and I'm trying to implement DMA for my ADC on STM32F4 Discovery kit. Currently, I'm using ADC1, channel 4 which is the pin PA4 on the discovery. I'd like to know which peripheral base address I have to use for my DMA_InitStructure. Where can I find information on the address if I were to use other pins (ADC channels)??
Thank you for your time. #dma-stm32f4discovery #adc2015-12-13 9:01 PM
They all use the same address, the channel EOC generate a singular DMA read of &ADC1->DR, as the ADC scans through the channel list you've given it.
2015-12-14 12:29 AM
>Where can I find information on the address if I were to use other pins (ADC channels)??
Generally, in the reference manual, at the end of the respective peripheral section. For the F4x7, as example, in document RM0090 in section 13.13.18, ''ADC register map''. These tables will give you offsets, relative to the base addresses of the peripheral, as given in section ''memory map'' (sect. 2.3 in above mentioned document).