2018-02-14 11:15 AM
Does anybody know when this module will be available and how will be priced?
2018-02-15 11:13 AM
Availability at distributors planned early Q2, then shop around to get the best deal.
Both CELL01 and CELL02 Discovery Packs will come at the same price.
More details will be disclosed in March. Stay tuned!
2018-03-14 1:23 AM
Noticed today:
the price at mouser is 186.55 USD. It's much higher than expected (110USD) looking at:
2018-03-14 5:24 AM
The price was updated and now I see
2018-04-05 10:22 AM
I was looking for better price than 110USD for CELL01 but was not lucky.
Do you plan to sell some boards with better price?
2018-04-05 11:52 AM
113.75 USD, in stockDistributor's price.
Thousands kits are being produced by ST to keep up with pending orders as we are in ramp up phase.
Monitoring Q2 backlog could contribute to price tuning.
2018-05-01 3:24 PM
The price is still pretty high at least for hobbyists.... Still hoping you could do better;)
2018-05-05 1:12 AM
Let me check if we could organize a special STM32-C2C campain launch on CELL01.
2018-06-01 5:58 AM
Sorry for being so pushy. Do you think that we can expect any cut on price?