2015-10-08 10:31 PM
Hi all, I have a project that is in late stage, and client is suddenly asking (forcing) toenable firmware upgrade. We have a bluetooth module on board and is connecting to the MCU by UART, is it possible that I could send commands to the bluetooth from my phone and rewrite the program flash area, so it is upgraded? I am currently using STM32F051 MCU.
Thank you in advance!2015-10-09 12:09 AM
It's called in-application programming. You must split your program into two parts: a bootloader and the main program. The bootloader is always there, it updates the main program if requested, then jumps into it (to execute).
If you are using the Cube, look also athttp://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1743/LN1920/PF262163
.2015-10-09 3:27 AM
Thank you! After knowing this and reading more, I am able to put my program that I want to run after some check at 0x8002000, put that into flash first, and then make a simple program at 0x8000000 with a few lines of code like the following:
uint32_t startAddress = *(__IO uint32_t*)(FIRMWARE_START_ADDRESS + 4);pFunction RestartFirmware = (pFunction)startAddress;__set_MSP(*(__IO uint32_t*)FIRMWARE_START_ADDRESS);RestartFirmware();And jump to that address of 0x8002000 (FIRMWARE_START_ADDRESS). However, seems the interrupts are not working.Seems I need to set the vector table to my firmware too, but I cannot find the function to actually set the vector table. I am using STM32F0, is there a way to set it?2015-10-09 3:35 AM
I assume you downloaded the zip file from my first link.
Look at STM32F0xx_AN4065_FW_V1.0.0\Project\STM32F0xx_IAP\binary_template\src\main.c to see how to relocate the vector table of the main application.2015-10-10 11:46 PM
Thank you! I used the first link and can see how the vector table is copied to the RAM and remapping to it. However, due to the lack of knowledge in this, I am unable to understand what this error means?
Error: L6971E: stm32f0xx_hal.o(.data) type RW incompatible with main.o(.ARM.__AT_0x20000000) type ZI in er RW_IRAM1.Please help.2015-10-11 11:24 PM
Found out it is the address problem. However, still one problem not solved, can anyone tell me how to write the following lines using HAL driver?
/* Enable the SYSCFG peripheral clock*/ RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_SYSCFG, ENABLE); /* Remap SRAM at 0x00000000 */ SYSCFG_MemoryRemapConfig(SYSCFG_MemoryRemap_SRAM);