2017-09-16 3:33 AM
I'm not sure if I'm understanding the gain bandwidth correctly, but can I use OA1ZHA op amp for a signal with ADC sampling frequency of 2 kHz? or am I really limited to only 400 kHz based on maximum gain bandwidth? does ST make op amps with higher bandwidth?
I have a biological signal that needs significant amplification, hence I will be using instrumental amplifier schematic as showed in fig 48 of the datasheet and set Rg to gain of about 500. I read somewhere that bandwidth = gain x sampling frequency? Does that mean I can only amplify by a factor of 200? 400k = 200 x 2K?
or since I'm using configuration showed in fig 48, that equation doesn't apply? I'm hoping that equation only applies for amplying using 1 op amp only?
2017-09-18 2:36 AM
Not sure if you are in the proper forum, but except for mentioning 'sampling frequency', there is no digital logic /MCU involved.
or since I'm using configuration showed in fig 48, that equation doesn't apply? I'm hoping that equation only applies for amplying using 1 op amp only?
Mentioned relation applies to every opamp, because it is composed of 'real' (non-ideal) components.
The higher the input frequency, the less the gain.
I'm not sure if I'm understanding the gain bandwidth correctly, but can I use OA1ZHA op amp for a signal with ADC sampling frequency of 2 kHz?
I have a biological signal that needs significant amplification,...
I didn't check the opamp's datasheet, but would expect a gain/bandwidth product of 10MHz or above.
That would be more than enough for your application.