2008-09-10 8:51 PM
NVIC Registers STM32F103RB
2011-05-17 3:44 AM
I would like to know in wich file .h or .c are defined or declared the NVIC registers ( e.g. ISER, ICER, ICSR, ... ) used in the file stm32f10x_nvic.c in the library. I can find only the structs ( in stm32f10x_map.h ) : typedef struct { vu32 Enable[2]; u32 RESERVED0[30]; vu32 Disable[2]; u32 RSERVED1[30]; vu32 Set[2]; u32 RESERVED2[30]; vu32 Clear[2]; u32 RESERVED3[30]; vu32 Active[2]; u32 RESERVED4[62]; vu32 Priority[11]; } NVIC_TypeDef; typedef struct { vu32 CPUID; vu32 IRQControlState; vu32 ExceptionTableOffset; vu32 AIRC; vu32 SysCtrl; vu32 ConfigCtrl; vu32 SystemPriority[3]; vu32 SysHandlerCtrl; vu32 ConfigFaultStatus; vu32 HardFaultStatus; vu32 DebugFaultStatus; vu32 MemoryManageFaultAddr; vu32 BusFaultAddr; } SCB_TypeDef; Thanks to all of you bye2011-05-17 3:44 AM
have a look at infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.ddi0337e/DDI0337E_cortex_m3_r1p1_trm.pdf page 147. I wrote a summary some time ago. Maybe it helps you. Michael