2008-10-14 9:07 PM
USB driver install and packaging questions
2011-05-17 3:44 AM
I'm using USB on the STM32 in virtual COM port mode and I need to package the CDC driver with other PC tools for use by the end customer. I recently installed the latest driver (vcpdriver_v1.1_setup.zip) which is an exe. What is this install file actually doing? Is it just 'installing' the inf file -- what was called stmcdc.inf? I end up with a oem31.inf in my windows/inf directory which has a strings section like so:-Code:
[Strings] STM = ''STMicroelectronics'' MFGNAME = ''STMicroelectronics'' DESCRIPTION = ''STM Virtual COM Port'' SERVICE = ''USB Virtual COM port'' I want the virtual COM port have a name that is more meaningful to my end user than ''STM Virtual Com Port'' as the end user does not know what a STM32 is ;-). I would like the end user to see something like '''product name' Virtual Com Port''. I presume I could edit the inf file? Would it be the ''DESCRIPTION'' string that I change? Does this affect the name in the firmware library i.e. in usb_desc.c? I would like to change this also. I presume they need to match. Hope someone can help, Regards Trevor2011-05-17 3:44 AM
The usb_desc.c descriptors are used to show a user what the device identifies it self as.
The strings in the inf file are used to put a name to the virtual com port. They don't not have to be the same, but most likey you will want them the same so that you don't confuse people.2011-05-17 3:44 AM
Thanks for your response Paul.
Can anyone from ST comment on what exactly the vcpdriver_v1.1.exe does? Is it just installing the inf file and if so can this be done without the exe so that I can change the description strings in the inf file. Where can we get the latest inf file? Regards Trevor