2008-09-12 2:28 AM
microcontroller comparison
2011-05-17 3:44 AM
Im looking for a comparison table of different micro-controllers. Like cortex-m3, arm7, arm9, avr, avr32, pics. Table should contain information like code footprint, execution speed, number of instruction for a specific code... I just need to compile a generic comparison document and it would be nice to find some info from the web... So if anybody can point me some good sources. Thank you, Madis2011-05-17 3:44 AM
Not an easy task if you want a scientifically correct, in-depth comparison. Unlike PCs - our embedded field is fast, furious - simply look at this forum to see how ''disruptive'' the STM32 has become.
Benchmarks can be influenced - consciously or unconsciously - it takes a dedicated ''pro'' to even craft that which is to be tested. Too often marketing departments dictate what/how is measured - to their advantage. ST provides a driver library - others sometimes do too - does your benchmark rate the library - perhaps masking chip strength/weakness? Newer Cortex M3s have been announced - by ST and others. Your listing may be thrown into irrelevance by such introductions. The cry of the unstudied is, ''gotta keep my options open.'' Most of us in business recognize this as, ''failed to adequately investigate/prepare!''2011-05-17 3:44 AM
Like cortex-m3, arm7, arm9, avr, avr32, pics.
That spectrum would be far too wide to be able to produce any meaningful comparisons! ''PICs'' alone cover a wide spectrum from very-low pin count 8-bitters to 32-bits with DSP capabilities. You might like to start here: then narrow your options down to somewhere where meaningful comparisons can be made...2011-05-17 3:44 AM
Not sure if this help
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARM_architecture It's a wikipedia site summarized arm processors. Yong Yao2011-05-17 3:44 AM
Yes, you are correct. I try to ask more precisely. Especially Im looking for comparison between dsPIC33 and Cortex-M3 and ARM7. That kind of comparison would be enough. And I don't mind if it shows ARM as better option in whatever category, that would be even bonus:-) Madis2011-05-17 3:44 AM
What are you actually trying to achieve here?
Are you trying to pick a chip for a real project, or have you just be set an essay to compare & contrast a few chips? If you have a real project, it might be better to reverse the process: establish the requirements of your project first, then try to determine which architecture best fits those requirements...2011-05-17 3:44 AM
Thank you for your comments. I just had to compile kind of general document for our management. I have plenty of projects running ARM so I just wanted to show that its good choice. But I got it done, thanks. Madis2011-05-17 3:44 AM
Glad that you got it done. This active forum did respond to you - offering encouragement & guidance. Would you be so good as to share your findings/results? This ''2-way'' information exchange will increase the forum's response to your future posts... Of course we're interested to see how the STM32 ranked in your report.