2010-10-05 08:00 AM
where can i find adescription for all the nvic registers?
like NVIC_IP and NVIC_ISER i cant find it in the manual. thanks.2010-10-05 09:00 AM
The NVIC and it's registers are at least described in the Cortex M3 Technical reference:
2010-10-05 11:16 PM
thanks for your replay. but still i cannot find the registers for the nvic description its all in general. where can i find the full description for every bit in the registers? something like this : Bits 31:27 Reserved, always read as 0. Bits 26:24 MCO: Microcontroller clock output Set and cleared by software. 0xx: No clock 100: System clock (SYSCLK) selected 101: HSI clock selected 110: HSE clock selected 111: PLL clock divided by 2 selected Note: This clock output may have some truncated cycles at startup or during MCO clock source switching. Bits 23:22 Reserved. Bits 21:18 PLLMUL: PLL multiplication factor2010-10-06 12:40 AM
It's in chapter 8: ''Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller'' in that document (Cortex-M3 Tech. Ref.).
2010-10-06 12:58 AM
but the names are all different where can i find the NVIC_IP for example?
thanks2010-10-06 03:15 AM
You also have the
chapter 4.3. And the NVIC_Type definition in Libraries/CMSIS/CM3/CoreSupport/core_cm3.h from the firmware package.2010-10-06 03:45 AM