2016-07-17 8:13 AM
I just got a Nucleo STM32L031K6 board and start playing with STM32Cubemx. For my project I need to use the low power timer LPTIM to trigger another timer (e.g. TIM2) but I have no clue how to do this. Could someone help me with some hints please? (an example code would be really nice since I'm really new to STM32 !) Thanks, Bien2016-07-17 10:02 AM
This is posible only by external loop, but this will not work in loW power modes...
2016-07-18 3:18 AM
Following this manual , the Feature Timer synchronization isn't available for the LPTIM.All the required for getting started with the is available throw this with the firmware package, various examples and the documentation describing how to use it.You can start from an example under
package, you find the needed LPTIM examples under this path:STM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.7.0\Projects\STM32L031K6-Nucleo\Examples\LPTIMYou can refer to this (section: 6 Low-power timer), it may be helpful.Regards2016-07-25 2:18 AM
Thanks. I'll start with your suggestion.