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NUCLEO-L476RG Input Capture Is Not Capturing

Senior II


Using IAR EWARM 7.8 for these tests. IAR provides working HAL examples for the STM32F4 Discovery boards. They have a specific example for both input capture, and PWM capture on the STM32F4 Discovery. Both examples work....both capture a 2KHz square wave in to the pins (PA9,PC7) for each example.

Over to the NUCLEO-L476RG. IAR provides an example for that, both timer input capture and PWM capture. Supposed to be ready to go and "tested". Ditto for CubeMX examples, under cube's folder version "STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.13.0". Neither of those sources work on the Nucleo board...and I have two boards that are new.

I put a LED toggle in the interrupt TIMx_IRQHandler. Never lights it.

What gives....anyone tried these "tested" examples? Why would HAL work on the old Discovery board, and not on the Nucleo board?



Got it, thanks, will do.

We have been able to duplicate the issue for Firefox, when logged in, with multiple tabs open. Can you provide more details on the IE experience that is similar, is also logged in, multiple tabs open, (more details to consistently reproduce) ?

when it occured in Firefox, I opened up IE, and it happened with one tab open. Seeing the same reuslt, I closed it and went back to Firefox.