2021-02-21 5:08 AM
Hi everyone.
I'm new here so please forgive if me questions are basic.
Lately I received Nucleo-l476RG development kit, and for the basic testing I'm using the Arduino IDE to upload the test file.
I'm using Ubuntu 18.04, with Arduino 1.8.13.
compiling the sketch works fine, however, when I try to upload it I got this message
/home/***/snap/arduino/50/.arduino15/packages/STM32/tools/STM32Tools/1.4.0/tools/linux/massStorageCopy.sh: line 71: /bin/df: Permission denied
/home/***/snap/arduino/50/.arduino15/packages/STM32/tools/STM32Tools/1.4.0/tools/linux/massStorageCopy.sh: line 71: /bin/df: Permission denied
NODE_L476RG,NOD_L476RG not found.
Please ensure the device is correctly connected and mounted.
An error occurred while uploading the sketch.
this is the Arduino configuration that I used:
Board : Nucleo-64
Board part number : Nucleo-l476RG
UART support : Enable generic serial
USB support : None
USB speed : LOW/Full speed
optimize : smallest os default
C runtime lib : newLib nano
upload method : mass storage
thank you.
2021-03-04 7:03 AM
Hello @Iaomari,
Welcome to ST community.
Please make sure that you are selecting the right port. I also recommend you checking the USB cable you are using.
Have you tried to use an other Arduino compatible board?
2021-05-26 1:50 AM
thank you very much