2018-06-06 12:58 PM
I check stm32cube-fw-f4-v1.21 library for nucleo-144stm32f429zi, I can't find a sample for usb-otg-fs, does anybody be able to provide a sample?
also when I try to configure nucleo-144stm32f429zi in stm32cube, I found when sys freq sets to 180Hz and enable usb-otg-fs Q frequency can't be 48Hz. Does anybody knows how to fixed?
2018-06-06 1:24 PM
You'll need to pick a max speed that permits a 48 MHz USB clock, use an external phy, or pick a more current part supporting alternate CLK48 sources (say like a F446 ?)
There are F7 and L4 parts that also address this via multiple PLL and MSI/HSI48 sources.
If this is non-commercial tooling around, the F429 will probably clock at 192 MHz, which could get you a 48 MHz Q clock.
For examples, find something architecturally close, and port it over