2018-02-26 6:00 AM
Hello everybody, I am new in using nucleo's boards and especially F411re. I 'am trying to interface a nrf24L01 module on this board ( not using mbed ), and for now, I'am still lost into the use of the TM_STM32F4_nrf24l01 lib . I am using sw4stm and I wonder if somebody have a complete eclipse projet that could be opened by sw4stm and be loaded on my nucleo f411re?
thank a lot
#nrf24l01 #nucleo-f411 #stm32f4 #sw4stm32Solved! Go to Solution.
2018-02-26 9:36 AM
Yes ,Tilen Majerle,I used his library and converted as Hal Library.I dont remember If I shared the example.I am gonna look it later
2018-02-26 7:49 AM
I have a nrf24l01 library related with stm32 hal library ,I organized it using another library.Maybe it is usefull for you.
2018-02-26 7:58 AM
Thank you for your fast answer, I will try to implement it tonight and see if it work for me.
thanks again, I will keep you updated.
2018-02-26 8:42 AM
You mean this:
?The author, I believe is
- maybe he will be along soon ...I am new in using nucleo's boards and especially F411re
Do you have experience with using other boards and/or microcontrollers?
Do you have experience with programming in general?
I'am stilllost into the use of the TM_STM32F4_nrf24l01 lib
So what have you actually tried so far?
Where are you stuck?
2018-02-26 9:36 AM
Yes ,Tilen Majerle,I used his library and converted as Hal Library.I dont remember If I shared the example.I am gonna look it later
2018-02-26 9:39 AM
Also Ä°F you use stm32f0 or stm32f1 series ,you can come acroos with an alignment problem .about pointer ,and I fixed it by helps in Hal SPI Library with small changing
2018-02-26 11:25 AM
Hi, yes I did use some pic16f84 long time ago, and since some years, I 'am using arduino boards ( high level programming, easy )... Today I have to use Nucleo board with the nrf module. I started by creating a cubemxproject in witch I set spi2 to communicate with nrf. I opened the project with sw4stm32, compiled it, added a LED_2 toggle to see something moving.
My first problem was to understand was was done in thetm_stm32f4_nrf24lc library and how to link it to my main().
Thanks to Emrah, now I have a more simple library that I understand better.
Mynewproblem is, how togive hspi2 to the nrf24Lc library .
I did :
TM_NRF24L01_Init(hspi2, 1, 32);
but I have no signal going out from spi port (I have a scope on MOSI pin ans clk). At less, I should see something moving on the MOSI pin during the Init of the nrf.
I attached my code at the state it is now.
I hope I am clear enough
Thank you
________________ Attachments : NRF_SPI_simple_noOS_other.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Hxw5&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000b2X%2FFltdmDUm_gl2e6G0Or67DFfbEHqbCVViQQOAOIHRXRE&asPdf=false2018-02-26 12:08 PM
,let us know what is the key problem in your development and we will try to help you.
Did you manage to get 'hello world' inside SW4STM32?
I would suggest you to move to TrueSTUDIO.
Best regards,
2018-02-27 9:03 AM
Hello everybody, I finally came across my problem, first i had the vcc pin of the nrf module that was on the +5V instead of the +3V3. I used mbed website to use a hello world that made me see this problem. I made two nucleo f411re board exchange data via nrf.
Then when I came back on SW4STM32 I did not success to make it work as on mbed.
So I checked all the function in the nrf24L01.c library that Emrah shared. I had two missing function that I recoded to fit my setup :
*hspi);after that, I successfully exchanged data between boards. here is the SW4STM32 project archive for those that would need a complete project.
Thanks for you help.
2018-02-27 10:14 AM
Here is the final project.
________________ Attachments : NRF_SPI_simple_noOS_other 2.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Hxvk&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000b2O%2Few_RY_i1cNDy4KxsW1bMp11d8U0m1CvYIWKI.qZ1l4E&asPdf=false