2012-06-27 6:11 AM
hi all
i am using STM32F407VGT6 Discovery borad, with Keil MDK 4 compiler it was working perfectly, i just update the firmware and when i try to start debugging the updated firmware Keil MDK shows the notification ''No STLink Detected'' and i am stucked just here. not getting any solution.i had tried the STLink test, it works correctly but i get the mentioned error whenever i do try to start debugging..............any help will be appreciated a looooot.....:)2012-06-27 7:28 AM
For unknown reasons, the stm32f0_discovery, which is supposedly newer than the stm32f4_discovery, works for me only when using the ''ST-Link (Deprecated Version)'' as debug adapter. I'm using Keil uVision V4.50 on WinXP in this case.
You could try that.2012-06-28 12:08 AM
thanks for the assistance
actually my STLINK's version was incorrectly updated by Keil MDk 4.now i just bust the older version into the STLINK. and its working perfect.M2*2012-07-26 5:53 PM