2009-05-25 8:49 AM
NMI on STM32F103VC
2011-05-17 4:12 AM
because of safety reasons I need so trigger an NMI via an external line. Is there any way get this working on the STM32F103VC? I read the reference manual and the datasheet and didn't find anything helpful for this problem (maybe, I did just look for the wrong info). I appreciate any help. Thanks and Regards. Steve2011-05-17 4:12 AM
According to Table 36 in section 8.1.2 (and section 6.2.7) of the STM32F103xx Reference manual
''The RCC Clock Security System (CSS) is linked to the NMI vector.'' I don't think you can directly connect the NMI to an external pin :(