2022-06-09 6:45 AM
For the STM32F429ZIT Discover Board, need information and URL links about GPIO pins expansion hardware and C++ Mbed programming examples for using the expanded pins please?
2022-06-09 8:06 AM
I agree with you: of course, ST has also made mistakes and is constantly working to avoid them in the future.
To come back to the STM32F429I-DISCO: it was the first DISCOVERY with a display (the only one with a resistive touch) and was intended to demonstrate as quickly as possible the capabilities of an STM32 with an integrated LCD controller. Unlike the NUCLEO, it was never intended for any function beyond that, like all other DISCOVERYs.
At this point, it is perhaps important for @SamJ to once again refer to the Terms of Use, which allow the use of the tools exclusively for evaluation and testing purposes.
2022-06-09 8:14 AM
Hell Tesla,
Thank you very much for the excellent information.
May I please have URL link(s) with information about (hardware components needed, C++ programming examples) how to use 12C IO Expanders or ST's MFX strategy?
2022-06-09 8:50 AM
Again, have you studied the User Manual, and/or looked at the schematics?
They should contain all the details you need.
As always, they (and other materials) can be downloaded from the Product Page.