2021-07-25 3:43 PM
I'm struggling to get what I think is not too complex an app running on a Nucleo-H7A3ZI-Q board and could use some help. Eventually I'd like to build up to an app that 1) reads a GPS over the UART, 2) writes the data to a uSD card and 3) uses a timer and the RTC to pace and time stamp things. There's plenty of work after that, but I like to think that if I can get that much working I'd be off and running. I'm starting by getting each of those functions running in a stand alone program based on the ST provided examples and anything else I can glean off the internet. I've got the UART with DMA part working but am really struggling with the other functionality. In my job, paying for expert consulting to get up the learning curve quickly has always proven to be well worth the money. If anyone is interested in some paid consulting work to help with this project, I could really use the help. Or if you know someone who might be interested, please let them or me know. Here's a general public kind of overview of the project. https://www.mbari.org/coastal-profiling-float/
Thanks - Gene Massion (magene@mbari.org)