2012-07-18 1:11 PM
Hi I am trying to write date and time to the RTC which I later will read.
But something in my RTC configuration doesn’t work and reading the values in debug mode shows that the RTC registers that I try to set never get the new values.
Here is my code:
void Set_RTC(){/* Enable the PWR clock */RCC_APB1ENR.PWREN = 1;/* Allow access to RTC */PWR_CR.DBP = 1;/* LSE used as RTC source clock */RCC_BDCR.LSEON = 1; //External low-speed oscillator enable /* Wait till LSE is ready */while(RCC_BDCR.LSERDY != 1){}/* Select the RTC Clock Source to LSE */RCC_BDCR.F8 = 1;RCC_BDCR.F9 = 0;/* Wait for RTC APB registers synchronisation */while(RTC_ISR.RSF != 1){}RCC_BDCR.RTCEN = 1; //Enable RTC clock <<<RTC_WPR = 0xCA; //unlock write protectionRTC_WPR = 0x53; //unlock write protection/* Configure the RTC prescaler */RTC_PRER = 0x7f00ff; // set SynchPrediv to FF and AsynchPrediv to 7F//RCC_BDCR.RTCEN = 1; //Enable RTC clock <<<RTC_ISR.INIT = 1; //enter initialization mode <<<<<< THIS REGISTER NEVER GETS THE NEW VALUEwhile(RTC_ISR.INITF != 1) //poll INITF{}/* Configure the RTC PRER */ RTC_PRER = 0x7F; RTC_PRER |= 0xFF << 16; RTC_TR = 0x123500; //setting time to 12.35.00 RTC_DR = 0x126718; // set date to 2012-07-18 RTC_CR.F6 = 0; // set FMT 24H format RTC_ISR.INIT = 0; //exit initialization mode /* Enable the write protection for RTC registers */ RTC_WPR = 0xFF;}I am using a STM32F407 @ 140Mz internal HSI oscillator.
What am I doing wrong?
2013-03-06 12:52 AM
2013-03-06 9:28 AM
I haven't managed to glean so far what compiler/tool chain you are using. If the problem changes if optimization is on vs off.
If the RTC register are not treated as volatile correctly I could see some optimization issues. You should examine the code generated and step through it. I'm not sure LSI RDY indicates the clock is actually functioning. I could see issues here if the PWR/RTC or LSI were not clocking, or perhaps you had built code for the LSE path. I'm not sure what board issues would cause the LSI not to start. I've suggested you measure it so you can discount this failure mode. If it is a hardware issue you'd need to check the circuit design, power, etc.2013-12-13 8:12 PM
Guys, you have to enable access to the RTC backup domain to make this work. Note that this access includes the RTC registers, not just the backup registers and RAM.
I also had this issue, as well. I needed to get the RTC calibration output for 1-Hz and could never enable the COE bit (Calibration Output Enable). However, I found I could turn it on during the RTC init stage, including the RTC_WaitForSynchro. Well, this stage requires the backup domain to be accessible. I couldn't access it later in my code, because it was disabled.// Enables or disables access to the backup domain (RTC registers, RTC backup data registers and backup SRAM).
This completes my wasting more than a day for me, which isn't too bad compared to other issues. It always seems to be the seemingly simple things that stump me. :p
2014-09-16 3:00 AM
We had problems with
== RTC_EnterInitMode(), where the init flag never became set. It appeared to be caused because our backup battery failed, and then the RTC entered a weird mode. To fix it, we issued aRCC_BackupResetCmd(
); Which allowed us to get going again.2014-11-27 3:01 AM
I has the same problem with RTC_ISR_INITF flag.
I found error in usb_bsp.c file. /* enable the PWR clock */ RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_PWR, ENABLE); ----->>> RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_PWR, ENABLE);2015-09-25 2:19 AM
I wanted to know if this problem with the initialization of the RTC has been solved because too I am in the same situation
ThanksCarlo De Bonis2015-09-25 2:43 AM
start your own thread, stating in detail your problem and the circumstances. JW2015-09-25 3:39 AM
Hello JW,
I send you the the list of the function I usedvoid RTC_Config(void)
unsigned char ErrorStatus;
/* Enable the PWR clock */
RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_PWR, ENABLE);
/* Allow access to RTC */
/* Reset RTC Domain */
/* Enable the LSE OSC */
The LSERDY flag in the RCC Backup domain control register (RCC_BDCR) indicates
if the LSE crystal is stable or not. At startup, the LSE crystal output clock
signal is not released until this bit is set by hardware
/* Wait till LSE is ready */
while(RCC_GetFlagStatus(RCC_FLAG_LSERDY) == RESET)
/* Select the RTC Clock Source */
/* Configure the RTC data register and RTC prescaler */
RTC_InitStructure.RTC_AsynchPrediv = 0x7F;
RTC_InitStructure.RTC_SynchPrediv = 0xFF;
RTC_InitStructure.RTC_HourFormat = RTC_HourFormat_24;
/* Set the time to 01h 02mn 00s AM */
RTC_TimeStruct.RTC_H12 = RTC_H12_AM;
RTC_TimeStruct.RTC_Hours = 0x01;
RTC_TimeStruct.RTC_Minutes = 0x02;
RTC_TimeStruct.RTC_Seconds = 0x00;
ErrorStatus=RTC_SetTime(RTC_Format_BCD, &RTC_TimeStruct);
Point 1
while(RCC_GetFlagStatus(RCC_FLAG_LSERDY) == RESET)
Point 2
RTC_Init returns
ErrorStatus=ERRORPoint 3
ErrorStatus=RTC_SetTime(RTC_Format_BCD, &RTC_TimeStruct);
RTC_SetTime returns
ErrorStatus=ERRORPoint 4
My board uses STM32F437IIT6 , 176 pin LQFP
The 32 kHZ oscillation is present because I have tested with an oscilloscope
All the library functions come from file
* @author MCD Application Team
* @version V1.1.0
* @date 11-January-2013
Thanks in advance
2015-09-25 4:04 AM
I don't see problem in this but I don't use SPL.
Try to do the same through direct register writes in the debugger. JW2015-09-25 5:10 AM