2019-09-24 04:31 AM
I want to generate the microsecond delay for stm32l083cz.
when I using the configuration
PLL clock ...32Mhz freq to APB1 which is connected to timer2
PSC -- 32-1 and Period 0xffff-1
Its working perfect and i am able to generate the microsecond delay.
But When I am using
HSE ---8Mhz freq to APB1
PSC to 8-1 and Period 0xffff-1
Delay is not working.
I am watching the count by using __HAL_TIM_SET_COUNT and __HAL_TIM_GET_COUNT for desirable delay.
Please guide me through this.
2019-12-28 12:53 AM
If i want to configure timer of 5 sec how can i do it
what are configuration to do ?
2019-12-28 12:54 AM
i am using stm32f779bi controller