2018-03-13 10:46 AM
We have been using processor temperature measurement for a long time with different families of STM32: M3, F3, F4. Only the processor STM32F303RCT6 does not work. The measured voltage of the sensor is 2.22V and is relatively unstable (voltage for 25C is 1.43V). I just created a simple project that only measures the internal temperature sensor. This program works on STM32F303VCT6 but does not work on STM32F303RCT6. The conditions are exactly the same, 8MHz oscillator, 3.3V power supply. Other measurements in full application work normally. It seems like the internal temperature sensor is not connected to the internal input 16 of the ADC1 converter. Does anyone have a similar experience?
2018-03-13 10:52 AM
Do you use the appropriate sampling time; AVDD/AVSS connected correctly and decoupled; etc.?
This program works on STM32F303VCT6 but does not work on STM32F303RCT6.
What is the value of DBGMCU_IDCODE (at 0xE004 2000) for both?
2018-03-14 8:25 AM
STM32F303RCT6: 0xE0042000: 0x10036422
STM32F303VCT6: 0xE0042000: 0x10036422
I found another problem. On RCT6 is not working also Vrefint measurement on ADC1. ADC value is 4095 on ADC_Channel_Vrefint. On ADC2 Vrefint measurement is OK.
Best Regards,
________________ Attachments : image001.png : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HxrB&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000b1v%2FD3kZpw3.JhRRY4f8pOuY8vSnn15DuakS3rH0SKaQWeQ&asPdf=false2018-03-14 4:12 PM
Except of what I've written above, I am out of ideas, sorry.
2018-03-15 3:40 AM
Just to make sure: you checked that you do set TSEN and VREFEN properly for both ADCs - in the same register?
And have you tried to measure VBAT?
2018-03-15 10:17 AM
The same program without any change is working on VCT6. TSEN and VREFEN are correctly set. We are using MCU several years in a lot of different projects without any problem. I try to use simple example project without any interrupts,…. . External crystal 8MHz is used. I also try to use internal, but it is fully the same:
2018-03-15 1:42 PM
Then probably the only option is to ask ST for support.