2018-03-15 3:27 AM
We currently use P-NUCLEO-53L1A1 (3 sesnors) to be a fallen-detection sensor product.
Instead of putting this interior of ceiling (coz sometimes it has height problem for installing),we plan to put it into wall with 4 sensors (each sensor has 27degree view, so if we put 4 sensors onto wall)and is it possible to check ranging distance via horizontal view instead of vertical? Any experience sharing.. thxMotive:
Take 4 ranging sensors onto wall instead of setting up them onto ceiling, any difference or feasibilityproblem for this idea?2018-03-15 5:07 AM
Surely, the whole point of an Evaluation tool like the
P-NUCLEO-53L1A1 is to let you try it out - in other words, to Evaluate whether it works?
The clue is in the name!
2018-03-15 10:36 AM
Hi Andrew,
Not clear about ur explanation,
as my checking situation, we use it as a ranging sensor device set-up at top of ceiling so any object is moving aroundbelow device or fall-down or even jumping can be scanned and distance difference found by a vertical view.However, if we put sensor device at higher wall instead of ceiling, when object or person is trying to moving or falling down,is a horizontal view of sensors can easily find it same as a set-up at ceiling???2018-03-15 1:02 PM
Andrew's point is that you get to evaluate YOUR use case. You're going to need to point the sensors at the things/distances you want to measure for them to be effective.
You'd be better off posting to the right forum, or discussing with the engineers supporting your account.