2020-06-18 2:38 AM
I would like to know if it is possible to measure the length of a really long and thin copper wire. The length ranges between 5 - 15 km. I think TDR (time domain reflectometry) would be the best method for it. My plan is to generate a pulse with the width of around 3000ns and then measure the reflected pulse.
Is a onboard adc sufficient enough for that task? What else do I need to consider? Is my project achievable with a stm32 board?
2020-06-18 7:53 AM
A cable that long has some capacitance to overcome. You'll need a fast driver, something that for a 20ma/12V current loop interface for example. And you'll need a receiver to buffer the return back to 3V levels.
I doubt an ADC will work. You are looking for edges to detect the return signal, followed by something to distinguish between noise and actual signal return. A cable that long is an excellent antenna so you're going to get burst of noise from passing cell phones, radio transmitters, lightning EMP pulses, etc. Modulate your outgoing signal with PWM to help separate it from random noise.
You'll need a fast timer to capture incoming edges. Since you might see false triggers ideally you'll want to reset the capture input as soon as it arrives.
Jack Peacock
2020-06-23 11:35 PM
Thank your for your answer. So I would generate a PWM signal (3 µs pulswidth) with an amplitude of 12v?
Buffer the signal back to 3.3v level. And capture it with a timer.
But I dont understand what you mean with "You'll need a fast driver, something that for a 20ma/12V current loop interface for example"
2020-06-23 11:39 PM
Thank your for your answer. So I would generate a PWM signal (3 µs pulswidth) with an amplitude of 12v?
Buffer the signal back to 3.3v level. And capture it with a timer.
But I dont understand what you mean with "You'll need a fast driver, something that for a 20ma/12V current loop interface for example"
2020-06-24 1:25 AM
This is related to drive strength as your signal will be attenuated when reflected. (we are in the non-ideal world...)
2020-06-24 1:28 AM
There should be specialized equipment do measure wire length, I am even not sure VMA/TDR typical lab equipment can measure kms... 200ps per inch...
2020-06-24 1:41 AM
why 200ps per inch? A resolution of 10m would be enough.