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MDMA not working while performing loopback test (STM32h757 EVAL board)

Associate II

Hello ST community,

I was able to perform the loop back test using DMA by using HAL layer provided by ST microcontrollers. It worked successfully.


Next I wanted to transfer more data using MDMA and below is the code snippet. I was unsuccessful and couldn't find the reason behind it.

I generated code using STMCubeIDE and have invoked necessary API's in main.


Any leads here would be appreciated.


Principal II

You are giving HAL_MDMA_Start_IT() a function (frontend_data_transmitter()) instead of a pointer to the source address, how's that supposed to work?

BTW, it's nicer for others if you paste your code as text, not as pictures.

Douglas MILLER
ST Employee

Hello Srinivasa

This forum thread was marked by the moderator as needing a little more investigation, so a Support case was created in your name and will be handled off-line.