2018-11-14 11:17 AM
We are developing a watch-like wearable device with LCD.
STM32L4R-Discovery board is a nice reference design for STM32L4R+AMOLED development. It would be also nice to have a schematic for the adapter board MB1314B, which the AMOLED is attached to. Since in the final design this board will not be present, it is good to know which components are on this board and which ones will be important to incorporate into our custom board.
We could not find the schematic for this board. Does anyone have it?
Thank you.
2018-11-14 12:31 PM
Isn't it in the schematics package from the board's home page?
2018-11-14 1:48 PM
Indeed :)
It looks like I missed it.
Thank you.