2018-02-25 11:58 PM
Hi everybody,
is there somebody with good experiences with STM32 MAT-TARGET? I tried to test it during last two week, I was very curious and pleased I can test simulink and STM32 mat-target. But now my feelings are neutral. Is there somebody who use it for development of sw and deploying to comercional systems?
In this year our company has prepared development of several new controll board and also a lot of new SW will have to be writen (also to older HW). I had good skills and experience with matlab and source code generation for xpc target or B&R PLCs.
But now (for the STM32) I had a lot of troubles (small troubles) with many particular tasks needed for STM32 processors. I had troubles with first source code generating fot the STM32... ok it is first project. I spent several days to run external mode. External mode is working, but in very limited range. I can use only three scopes and only three displays. In case, more dispalys or scopes is used the hard fault become. In case I have small sampling period about 1ms, external mode is working only without displays and scopes. Also I had throubles with understanding, managing of processor's pheripherals. Also I found bug in generated code, for ADC in injected mode. Where I can share detail information about the bug? Does exist more detail documents and manuals for the STM32?
Is there somebody with good experiences with MAT-TARGET for stm32? And for comercional products? Do you believe the product?
Does exist continuous development of MAT-TARGET? What is an route map for the MAT-TARGET?
#simulink #stm32-mat/target-matlab2019-01-07 3:36 AM
Which, again, brings us back to the question of why @Saunak_Bhalsod wants to use Matlab/Simulink?
What does it bring you that can't be achieved with "conventional" embedded development tools?
2019-01-07 4:07 AM
Dear Jonas, thank you so much for answer.
Dear Andrew, I am not expert in C programming. But I am expert in Model based design using MATLAB Simulink. So for easy starting I will prefer Matlab over conventional programming. I respect all programmers who are dedicated to conventional programming.
2019-01-07 4:18 AM
@Saunak_Bhalsod Thanks for the reply - that makes sense.
It's just that many posters here don't seem to have given it any thought at all.
As has been mentioned already, probably your biggest challenge is going to be to understand the limitations of the STM32, and make sure that you choose one appropriate to the requirements of your model.
Apart from the Model, I don't know how well Matlab handles the low-level details of the target hardware? You may find yourself having to resort to 'C' programming for that ...