2018-12-17 7:21 PM
I'm using stm32h753-eval, when I use LTDC demo, if i use BSP_LCD_Clear(LCD_COLOR_WHITE) , the program will crash. I need help, thank you very much
2018-12-17 7:49 PM
Building with what tools?
Have a Hard Fault Handler, see it ends up there and decode the state to understand what exactly was faulting.
Here we typically get the serial port working first, and push diagnostic and telemetry out through that.
2018-12-17 9:22 PM
2018-12-17 9:23 PM
I build this project with IAR.
I debug this demo and set a breakpoint at "BSP_LCD_Clear(LCD_COLOR_WHITE);",
When the program executes to a breakpoint , it's ok , then the program cotinue to go , the LCD
will show like the following picture,
2018-12-17 9:31 PM
The screen flashed and IAR will crash.
2018-12-17 9:35 PM
I use SDK(STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.3.0) and STM32H753I-EVAL board.