2016-11-21 8:41 AM
Hi, in order to use IWDG should I manualy starting LSI or LSI will start automatically ?
I am going to use CMSIS. Thank you.2016-11-21 11:13 AM
You can always check the status of LSI in the RCC register (check ref manual).
And if it's not started where you need it, start it yourself.2016-11-22 2:21 AM
We don't know what STM32 model are you using, but if you look into the respective RM's RCC chapter, chances are that there's ''watchdog clock'' or similar sub-chapter, with a text like this (taken from RM0091):
If the Independent watchdog (IWDG) is started by either hardware option or software access, the LSI oscillator is forced ON and cannot be disabled. I've played a bit with a 'F031 and found that enabling IWDG without prior enabled LSI causes RCC_CSR.LSIRDY being set (without affecting RCC_CSR.LSION), and if RCC_CIR.LSIRDYIE was set previously, RCC_CIR.LSIRDYF gets set too. This is behaviour than when ADC autoswitches the HSI14 oscillator...2016-11-22 3:30 AM
Thank you. I think the question now may be closed as resolved.