Posted on December 28, 2017 at 11:36What is the reason for ST microelectronics to have different I2C modules in STM32 mcus ?Stm32f303 and Stm32f092 has the same I2C, but stm32f446 has another I2C, and Stm32f103 has the third type of I2C. #i2c #stm32
Posted on November 21, 2016 at 17:41Hi, in order to use IWDG should I manualy starting LSI or LSI will start automatically ?I am going to use CMSIS. Thank you.
Posted on December 29, 2017 at 09:35 Yes, but USI and USCI are different multifunctional modules. I2C in stm32 is not multifunctional module. It is just I2C. But everytime is different. -- Sent from Gmail Mobile
Posted on December 29, 2017 at 01:21Thanks, is good guess I think the same. Stm32F1 was the first arm from ST. And its I2C isdifferent from the I2C of Stm32F0 that is newer mcu (architecture).Stm32F303 (M4) has the same I2C as F0. Is very convenient...
Posted on December 28, 2017 at 23:29'few days of pain' is not a problem. The problem is a 'few years' ofsupporting of several versions of I2C.But actualy I did expect the more technical answer from ST engineer and inaccordance with which I can make ...
Posted on December 28, 2017 at 22:48 , ,And what ?Is not a convincing explanation.Two STM32F4 MCU are cortex m4 core, have the same architecture with veryclose frequency but with different I2C ...I can understand when one old MCU architecture is cha...
Posted on December 28, 2017 at 16:17hello. I did get your email as you see. Can you please again explain yourissue with 74hc165 ?And please clarify who is manufacturer of your 74hc165. TI, Philips and soon use different names of ports. For example T...