2017-08-23 4:15 AM
Hello everyone,
I'm working on a LoRa project, using Murata's module ( stm32l082 & semtech's SX1276) , The aim of the project is to send some datas ( temperature, pressure .. ) to a gateway.
I want to know if someone has succeed to modify the example program given in I-CUBE-LRWAN 1.1.0 for B-L072Z-LRWAN1 in order to send datas without using the shield. Or there is any other solution ( code ) should i start with ?Thank you,
2017-08-23 6:05 AM
I'm not sure why the shield plays a role, do you mean a stand-alone Murata module, not on a DISCO board? How do you perceive that is materially different beyond the VCP and debugger connectivity?
2017-08-23 8:07 AM
The primary code available is the
, you'll need to work from that. If your hardware differs marginally from the DISCO implementation you'll need to fork that code into a branch which addresses your board's differences.You don't need to use the shield connector on the DISCO, the pins should be exposed on the headers, and might need solder-bridges made/changed.
2017-08-23 10:16 AM
Thank you clive one for your answer. Actually, i'm using murata's module CMWX1ZZABZ, with some sensors, so the hardware differs completly, and it's not evident to modify the code, i want to know if someone has succeed before doing this.
2017-08-23 12:57 PM
But the bulk of the code and the radio pins will be the same on the STM32 side, you just need to modify the 'Board Support Package'
ie you're going to need to start by creating the equivalent to this that uniquely describes your board/implementation
You're going to have to add in code to initialize SPI or I2C buses to which you've attached sensors, and add code to talk with those sensors.
2017-08-24 1:22 AM
my project with LoRa & Nucleo
2017-08-24 2:56 AM
Thank you for the precision Clive One,
Have you ever did a project like this before ?2017-08-24 3:45 AM
Nice work, but if someone wants to use this code they should know that it's not LoRaWAN, Vitaly is just using the RF module as a general purpose radio transmitter/receiver without all the cool parts that LoRaWAN brings.
2017-08-24 3:57 AM
RFM module from HopeRF with LoRa SX1272 from Semtech
2017-08-24 5:45 AM
I have manage to get
I-CUBE-LRWAN 1.1.0 code to work with new murata module .
In keil you just need to change CPU to 83CZ
And login to murata and download new reference sheet.
I had few design mistakes so here there are...
VDD_USB must be on VCC (to provide voltage to PB12)
you need to connect VDD_TCXO to PA12/USB_DP for LoW power
or you can connect
VDD_TCXO to VCC but it will constantly drain around 40mA
I am not sure but I did connect TCXO_OUT to PH0-OSC_IN
but best is to fallow reference from murata
And in old reference on antena part is capacitor with value of 0ohm (probably should be resistor)
And in new is resistor (maybe best thing is to just put wire)