2021-10-25 3:59 AM
Im following this adafruit tutorial (gpio bitbanging swd).
As they are flashing an AVR chip and i want to flash an stm32f072 chip im using a different .cfg file:
source [find interface/raspberrypi2-native.cfg]
transport select swd
source [find target/stm32f0x.cfg]
reset_config srst_only srst_nogate
#transport select swd
adapter srst delay 100
adapter srst pulse_width 100
reset halt
program myfirmware.bin verify reset
im using a RaspberryPi 3 model B v1.2.
my stm32 chip is externaly powered.
Wiring is made as follows:
Once i do "sudo openocd" i get randomly 3 different errors in reading IDR:
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-10-25 4:54 AM
i followed this other tutorial and now it detects DPIR
I used now my rasberry zero , rewired everything as this new tutorial says , and im trying to flash an stm32f105
im still suspicious about not being able to halt the chip "target not halted"
im not able to halt the chip nor flash any programm.
2021-10-25 4:54 AM
i followed this other tutorial and now it detects DPIR
I used now my rasberry zero , rewired everything as this new tutorial says , and im trying to flash an stm32f105
im still suspicious about not being able to halt the chip "target not halted"
im not able to halt the chip nor flash any programm.