2015-09-21 7:57 PM
Hi all!
I have used emwin 5.24 and it work fine but it can display color in 16bpp ( color mode RGB565). I have updated Keil Middleware to version 6.5 and emwin version is 5.30 to use color mode RGB888/ARGB8888 ( in release note it say ''Colors: emWin now supports ARGB as logical color to be able to use the full performance of Chrom-ART Accelerator (DMA2D)). '' I found file LCDConf version 5.30 in '' C:\Keil_v5\ARM\Pack\Keil\MDK-Middleware\6.5.0\emWin\Sample\LCDConf\GUIDRV_Lin\STM32F429'' and added to Keil but it dont work, it halt at ''DMA2D_IRQHandler
'', I have tried but dont know why it stop there. So thanks for any suggest!!! #worst-forum-software-ever2015-09-22 2:55 AM
Hi Jimmy,
Is the handler of the DMA2D interrupt defined in your stm32f4xx_it.c file?-Mayla-To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2015-09-22 6:23 AM
Please don't post excessive code inline, post it as an attachment.
The reason is, that this crap of forum software spits out an enormous javascript when attempting to answer, making decent browsers fail; and it also emits the *whole* post into RSS, blowing up various RSS reader software. Also, when replying, please remove the text under line (i.e. original post quote). That has no utility. Mayla, could you please forward my complaints in this regard to the webmaster. Thanks. Thanks, JW2015-09-25 3:40 AM
Hi Mayla,
Thank for your answer! Now I use LCDConf 5.26 and can display color mode ARGB8888 but LCD clock configuration at 12MHz, if i set up higher, it will be tearing even using 2 buffer. About color mode RGB888 I can not dipslay , it is always tearing any LCD clock rate and static display. In LCD_X_Config, I only see LCD_SetDevFunc for 8bpp, 16bpp, 32bpp bitmap using DMA2D. What should I do to display color mode RGB888?Thank you so much.Jimmy