2014-08-18 6:44 AM
Where can I find the definition of LINE(5)? I would appreciate for it. Jai
Please note that: &sharpdefine Line5 LCD_LINE_5 at stm32_eval.h &sharpdefine LCD_LINE_5 LINE(5) at stm3210c_eval_lcd.h #lmgtfy #stm32f10c-eval2014-08-18 7:30 AM
#define Line5 LCD_LINE_5 at stm32_eval.h
#define LCD_LINE_5 LINE(5) at stm3210c_eval_lcd.hIf you can work back through those two defines, why can't you take the next step back to the definition of LINE ?What toolset are you using -doesn't it have -'go to definition'?Or just grep ?
2014-08-18 6:19 PM
Hello Neil,
CoIDE is used. When LINE(5), for example, is not searched any further. It looks like a micro that determines (x,y) cordinates. Unfortunately, I cannot find out the data sheet of 3.2'' TFT LCD used in STM32107C_EVAL kit. Jai2014-08-18 9:17 PM
STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0\Utilities\STM32_EVAL\Common\fonts.h #define LINE(x) ((x) * (((sFONT *)LCD_GetFont())->Height))2014-08-19 12:08 AM
''CoIDE is used. When LINE(5), for example, is not searched any further''
You need to raise a bug report with CooCox, then.''It looks like a micro''*ma
cro2014-08-20 1:22 AM
Hello Clive1,
Thank you very much for PDF files and LIVE macro. Now I see the printout on the screen. However, each line printout is flipped around x axis (right to left, mirror image). I wonder if there is another setting along with this. Thanks again. Jai