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Jumpers for STM324x9I-EVAL I/O connectors?

Associate III
Posted on January 06, 2015 at 15:18

These are the 0.05'' (1.27mm) pitch connectors CN6, CN7, CN11 and CN12. The jumpers I normally use on 0.10'' pitch headers are too big to fit. I've done some web searching and not found any jumpers that size. 

What are people using for this?

Posted on January 06, 2015 at 17:43

These are the 0.05'' (1.27mm) pitch connectors CN6, CN7, CN11 and CN12. The jumpers I normally use on 0.10'' pitch headers are too big to fit. I've done some web searching and not found any jumpers that size. 



What are people using for this?

They look like SAMTEC connectors to attach daughter cards. So probably not designed for jumpers, the pitch is all wrong. Suggest you use some

Or wirewrap

From the schematic

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Associate III
Posted on January 07, 2015 at 13:15

Hi Clive,

Thanks for the suggestion. I also found this: or this: which might be easier to solder leads to. They're the right pitch and I just need to use one for each pin if they're not adjacent. I'll try the micrograbbers too. I'm working with the Discovery-WiFi and only need to use two leads at present for a UART connection.