2016-03-28 7:05 AM
I learned that, to enable IWDG we need to write 0xCCCC to IWDG->KR register.
I have a situation where I enable IWDG peripheral in bootaloder image and I want to disable IWDG in Application.Can anyone help me to understand the steps to be followed to disable IWDG peripheral? #iwdg2016-03-31 10:24 AM
Once the watchdog is enabled, then it cannot be disabled again except by a reset. According to the reference manual:''Independent watchdog (IWDG): the IWDG is started by writing to its Key register or by hardware option. Once started it cannot be stopped except by a Reset.''-ForumSTM32-2016-03-31 11:58 AM
Have the processor reset, and have your boot loader more immediately transfer control to the application, without the watchdog being started.