2020-01-02 5:40 AM
Hi all -
Happy NY!
I've a stm32H743ZI2 (nucleo) and am using the following code to init the IWDG
__HAL_DBGMCU_FREEZE_IWDG1(); //not working!!!?
// Reload = (LsiFreq(Hz) * Timeout(ms)) / (prescaler * 1000)
hiwdg.Instance = IWDG1;
hiwdg.Init.Prescaler = IWDG_PRESCALER_256;
hiwdg.Init.Reload = (32000 * 5000) / (256* 1000); //5 seconds.
hiwdg.Init.Window = IWDG_WINDOW_DISABLE;
The code is right after I've done the clock config, MPU,Cache etc.
The actual function of the WD seems to work fine, its just the when I hit a breakpoint, the MPU resets as if the __HAL_DBGMCU_FREEZE_IWDG1() was not called.
I've used this feature before on others, F4 F7 etc, and it works fine, but not on the H7.
The __HAL_DBGMCU_FREEZE_IWDG1 macro looks ok to me wrt to the manual.
What am I missing?
Bit of an update -
I think this is related to the problem with reading the DBGMCU region of memory. as desbribed in the link below. It also relates to the HAL_GetREVID() issues discussed.
Ive tried building a simple project with cubeMX and building an example one from the libraries. And implemented the suggested fix to the SystemInit(). But cant get the Device Id as Clive pointed out.