2016-09-09 9:56 PM
I have bought this board about 3-4 year ago and didn't work with, and now I found it in my store and think this has stm32-f407-vgtb microcontroller on it, that I thought it's cortex-M3, but when I searched I found that this is M4 based boared! Is this true? I have lost anythings of the boards and like to know which things I need to work with this work and where can I find them? Also, my board number is MB997B, but most of them have MB997A or MB997C when I searched on the internet! what is the difference? thanks!2016-09-10 7:53 AM
Yes it is a Cortex-M4 based processor.
The board is an STM32F4-DISCOVERY Rev B, its design and function is going to be very similar to that of Rev A-D. You might want to review specific notations in the User Manual / Schematic for the board.