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Is there any template or example program for implementing OTA? I have 2MB SPI EEPROM, SIM808 for GPRS communication and STM32F070 on board.

Associate II
Posted on February 24, 2018 at 13:03


Is there any template or example program for implementing OTA? I have 2MB SPI EEPROM, SIM808 for GPRS communication and STM32F070 on board.

I am using CoIDE and have little understanding about how to do it, such as

  • Receive binary file to the board form GPRS module

  • Save it in external flash memory then use IAP to flash the new firmware

  • Then finally use DFU mode for changing the start address of the MCU

But except receiving the binary file and storing it in EEPROM, I have no idea about how to proceed further. Please provide assistance. 


#clive #clive1 #clive-one #andrew-neil
Posted on April 20, 2018 at 14:27

The conversion has been forked to this thread

This seems to describe more RAM than is physically available in the F103C8, ie 20KB 0x20000000..0x20004FFF

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Associate II
Posted on April 21, 2018 at 10:37

Thanks Sir


. Now I am using STM32F103RE that has 64k ram. But when I configure its clock, debugger gets struct in while loop at

if (HAL_RCC_OscConfig(&oscinitstruct)!= HAL_OK)


/* Initialization Error */



Please check the following modification for 8 MHz HSE. Am I doing it wrong?


I am using following IAP example


Posted on April 21, 2018 at 10:46

Even it is getting struct with following configuration as well
