2017-08-28 9:22 AM
Hi Folks,
I've just started working with the STM32 NucleoL031 board and I think it would help me understand the system if I can find a listing of the program that is pre-loaded on the chip. It blinks the green LED at one rate and if you put the jumper on that connects GND with D2 it will blink at a slower rate.
I've searched through the ST site but can't seem to find it.
Thanks in advance,
#nucleo-l031 #nucleo #l0312017-08-29 1:26 AM
In CubeL0, under Projects/[board name]/Demonstration
2017-08-29 9:28 AM
Thanks Jan but the only demo project is the one where you need the Gravitech add-on board to display the power consumed. I only have the Nucleo32L031 board that blinks the green LED. The firmware must be a trade secret, why else would they not let us users see it.
2017-08-29 10:46 AM
That still might be it. Did you try? The binary (hex) is enclosed.
snippets from the source:
/* Initialize the Gravitech 4 digits 7 segments nano shield */
if(BSP_DIGIT4_SEG7_Init() != HAL_OK) { /* Initialization Error */ Error_Handler(); }[...]void Error_Handler(void){ /* Configure LED3 */ BSP_LED_Init(LED3); while (1) { /* Toggle LED3 with a period of one second */ BSP_LED_Toggle(LED3); HAL_Delay(1000); }}JW
2017-08-29 4:52 PM
Thanks. I was able to wade through the Gravitech code and I was able to blink the green LED at various rates.