2011-11-11 7:21 PM
I am looking forways to communication between host PC terminal emulator
and discovery board via USB cable. (for example, hyper term or tera term ...)Is any virtual COM port driver software available for STM32F4-Discovery?Or do anyone knows better ideas?I am Japanese engineer. and there is few Japanese doccument aboutSTM32F4Discovery. Sorry if my writing is weird.any help is appreciated.2011-12-13 1:19 AM
If you need PC drivers, google for stm32_vcp.zip (I found it on st.com for some STM32F1xx).
But I have another problem, I can not use examples for VCP from STM32F1xx (USB full speed device library). Where I can see example of implementation of USB FS/HS CDC? (Migrating from STM32F100 UART to STM32F407 with USB-CDC).2012-01-11 7:08 PM
Hi friends, i'm also trying to implement a CDC virtual com port on STM32F4 inside the discovery kit.
However, I didn't find any good or mature starting point.I tried to match de examples from STM32F1 USB CDC with something from the STM32F4 USB OTG examples, but the libraries are completely different.Does any one already have any simple solution ?RegardsPellini2012-01-21 4:10 PM
You are right! The library for STM32F1xx chips and STM32F4xx are different. It is not so easy to make the all necessary changes. But we done it :) You can use the Google translator from czech language and get inpiration form our article:
(at the end of text you will find the demo application with correct libraries). The demo is for Atollic TrueSTUDIO. Best Regards, Mard!2012-05-14 12:14 AM