2018-03-18 8:44 AM
Hi guys, i'm looking to get signal from ♯ FSR sensors with my STM32F4-Discovery. I set PA1 as ADC1_IN1 and after i associated DMA (with STM32CubeMX, HAL driver). So i generated the project and edited with System Workbench for STM32, added an int variable (fsrValue[1]) and in main, i started HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc1, fsrValue, 1);. It works fine but now i don't know how implement this for 2 or more FSR sensor, i tried to set PA2 with ADC1_IN2 and with ADC2_IN1 but without any results (only signal noise, tested with STM32 Studio, even if i don't touch the second FSR). Is possible to have an example? Thanks!
PS: i used this video as tutorial:
See the attachment for the full project
#hal-adc #fsr-sensor #stm32f4discovery2024-04-08 3:48 AM
Hi Alessandro,
Did you manage to solve the problem?