2014-06-29 5:32 PM
Can I have a link or an code example to count the rising edges that have an input signal in a prefixed time?
I need the number of rising edges in a second.The frequency of the signal on a gpio input is in a range from 10 Hz to 70Hz.how count the number of rising edges until the timer is 0?I use stm32f4 discovery.2014-06-29 8:15 PM
You could use one TIM in external counter mode, and use a second to define the integration period, this could trigger a DMA sample of the counter of the first, and subsequent measurements would allow you to compute the increments over the period. There may also be other gating options.
2014-06-30 1:46 AM
Can I ask you an example?
2014-06-30 1:47 AM
2014-06-30 7:52 AM
There are several manuals for it, Data Sheet/Manual and Reference Manual. The timer section is a bit heavy going, but if you have familiarity with other micro-processor and timer designs it should give some perspective.
I don't really want to have to write everyone's code. I've posted some external counter examples. You could review the count every 1000 iterations of a 1ms SysTick interrupt? The kind of frequency you're talking about would seem easy to measure using PWM Input mode. Integration is perhaps more effective with faster clocks.