2020-06-01 05:22 AM
Still struggling with my SPI setup.See https://community.st.com/s/feed/0D53W000006r3jX for details on SPI and GPIO settings.
On the exact same setup I have sometimes a correct communication and trace is :
SCK in yellow, MISO in blue. I send bytes 0xF0 0xDE from Slave to Master in simplex mode.
Then sometimes I have the following:
It looks like the signal is "in advance" compared to the clock. The first two bytes are missing but apart from that the bits are correct.
spi_pclk is 50MHz and SCK is 12.5MHz.
Do you have any idea what could cause this ?
I think an underrun at slave side cannot provoke this (I cannot detect the UDR event properly since due to the errata of SPI, I have to disable SPI between send and receive phases).
I made me wonder something else: what happens if the slave (in transmit only mode) writes into the TxFIFO while the clock is running ? I mean: when exactly a new byte or word (freshly written to the FIFO) is copied in the shift register ?
2020-06-01 05:27 AM
Could be explained by some spurious pulses on the SCK line prior to the transaction. Are you setting a CS pin for each transaction or do you just keep it low?
2020-06-01 05:56 AM
Makes sense however shouldn't it be visible on the trace ?
I don't use the CS (unfortunately, not my choice, I'm developping a simulator for a future product and I have to stick to the product behaviour). SSM=1. Not used at all at slave side.
It is a bit of a nightmare to make sure the slave simulator software is always ready to respond to the master.
2020-06-01 06:15 AM
2020-06-01 06:40 AM
"It may have happened long before". Indeed. Good point