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initialize FATFS for SDMMC in M4

Hi team 
What is the correct procedure to initialize FATFS for SDMMC in M4? Kindly provide the application note of the procedure. We need to run eMMC in M4 core 
EVK used : STM32H745I-DISCO
Please find the information below for your reference.
 Test Case 1:
In M4,
SDMMC configurations:
1. SDMMC peripheral selected for M4.
2. SDMMC Clock configuration: 100 MHz
3. SDMMC Clock divide factor: 4
4. Mode: MMC 4 bits Wide Bus
5. Clock Edge: Rising Edge
6. Clock Power Save: Disable 
7. Hardware Flow Control: Disable
FATFS configurations:
- FATFS Package used from FatFs_Shared_Device project of GitHub. 
- Replaced the FATFS package from the reference project with the one in STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.11.2 repository.
- Unable to initialize MX_FATFS_Init() in int main()
Test Case 2:
In M7,
SDMMC configurations:
1. SDMMC peripheral selected for M7.
2. SDMMC Clock configuration: 100 MHz
3. SDMMC Clock divide factor: 4
4. Mode: MMC 4 bits Wide Bus
5. Clock Edge: Rising Edge
6. Clock Power Save: Disable 
7. Hardware Flow Control: Disable
FATFS configurations:
- FATFS Package used from FatFs_Shared_Device project of GitHub. 
- Replaced the FATFS package from the reference project with the one in STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.11.2 repository.
- Able to initialize MX_FATFS_Init() in int main()